Implant Retained Dentures
Cost effective and minimally invasive

Can you eat corn on the cob or steak with your dentures in?
Do you ever worry that your denture may fall out in a social situation?
Do you have several sets sitting in a drawer somewhere?
Have you previously been told you do not have enough bone for implants?
Have you heard that implants are too expensive?
If you are not satisfied with the retention of your dentures, and answer yes to any of the above, it’s time to take a look at an implant stabilized denture system. Recent advances in technology have drastically reduced the cost of an implant retained denture. Placement of the implants is minimally invasive. Time from placement to loading the implants has also been reduced dramatically. The process used to take months or up to a year in many instances. Now, the average case is completed within 3 months.
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